Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past


Michela Bassanelli+Gennaro Postiglione: “Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past, in: Difficult Memories Reconciling Meaning, in: Int/AR Journal, Intervention and Adaptive Reuse, Vol. 04, RISD, Aprile 2013, pp.6-13



Panorama della Guerra Fredda
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past
Museography for traumatic memories. Re-enacting the past