Palladio at the Morgan Library Palladio at the Morgan Library


  • From: December 2009
  • To: February 2010
  • City: New York
  • Country: USA
  • Type: installation
  • Area: 150 mq
  • Client: Morgan Library - New York
  • Collaborator: Mengyi Fan
An architectural drawing is not simply the image of a building, but the tool through which an architect conceives the building: the phases of its creation are recorded on the sheet, the way in which the ideas take shape and are communicated to the creators , customers and readers. The exhibition allows the visitor to "enter" the mind of Palladio the architect. [Guido Beltramini, Director, C.I.S.A., Vicenza]

The visitor walking through the central space of the Engelhard Gallery has an immediate perception of the exceptional nature and quality of the drawings even before stopping to analyze them in the smallest details.
A series of alcoves overlooking a central space allows the 31 original drawings to be separated from the rest of the material on display. In these recesses, like behind the scenes of a theatre, we discover Palladio's way of working, aspects of his life, his traveling and studying.
