Landscape, Travelscape Landscape, Travelscape


  • From: September 2009
  • To: November 2009
  • City: Trento
  • Country: Italia
  • Type: landscapes
  • Area: 7000 mq
  • Client: pFondazione Museo Storico del Trentino
A project on memory that is reflected in the future, a highway that becomes a museum, gardens that arise from asphalt, a neighborhood that reconquers the city without building anything.
We are not faced with a paradox or a game of contradictions but with a unique and ongoing urban experiment, a prototype. How to learn from archetypes and make prototypes of them? It is in fact the section in which the Piedicastello Galleries Project was invited to the XII Venice Biennale which "investigates the free and active experiments that will change the way we experience the landscape and the city in the near future". The idea of a prototype is in a certain sense reassuring, it has nothing definitive, it can be modified, constantly improved after being tested by users, by possible consumers. The reuse of disused mobility infrastructures is a current theme and an opportunity that we will have more and more in the future, the recovery of parts of abandoned cities to make them new places for the community.
