Home for all Home for all


  • From: July 2011
  • To: Agust 2011
  • Country: Japan
  • Type: competition
  • Team: Elisabetta Terragni - Studio Terragni Architetti, Jeffrey Schnapp - metaLAB (at Harvard), Daniele Ledda - xycomm
  • Collaborators: Diego Magrì, Stefano Cremisini, Gennaro Cestrone
A letter from Toyo Ito requested a response to the calamitous earthquake that struck northern Japan on March 11, one of the projects named "Picturing a Home-for-All" of approximately 30 square meters, acting as a small living room for the people affected.
Drawings of the "Home-for-All" were exhibited at the  Sendai Mediatheque and  Toyo Ito Architecture Museum in Imabari.
We responded with:
4fold minna-no-lé
- every refugee is provided a sensory survival kit
- the kit's purpose is to permit refugees to animate and personalize the temporary world into which they have entered since the disaster, whether as individuals (me) or as a group (we)
- the community is provided with a flexible partitioning system of low walls that can be assembled into arrays of partial to full enclosures that disrupt the tyranny of grids and rectangular forms (prevalent in the relief centers currently housing refugees) and exorcise the presence of the ghosts of earthquakes and tsunamis past
- the system allows for the creation of temporary, orthogonal places of refuge from the relief center and the disaster; these can be shaped into small islands of intimacy for varying purposes: conversation, play, decoration, domesticity, art making.
