Ettore Sottsass 'Oltre il design' - CSAC Ettore Sottsass 'Oltre il design' - CSAC


  • From: novembre 2017
  • To: aprile 2018
  • City: Abbazia di Valserena, Parma
  • Country: Italia
  • Type: museo
  • Area: 300 mq
  • Client: CSAC - Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione
  • With: Daniele Ledda xycomm Milano
  • Collaborators: Arch. Paola Frigerio, Arch. Mike Dolinski
 ..."There emerges the well-substantiated image of a man who was ardent, inflexible, a minute and precise observer, who assimilated other cultures, techniques and visual languages. The intersecting ways in which he displayed these traits can be traced here. Precisely these intersections are highlighted by the display. The large church hosting it has been divided along the lines of its transepts. The horizontal layout runs from one side to the other by parallel white panels that create temporary chapels interspersed by voluminous canvases strung across the central nave. This is the only concession to levity in the sacred interior. With the graphic designer Daniele Ledda, the curator Elisabetta Terragni worked along the lines of minimum disturbance regarding the exhibits. Small magnets hold up almost 700 sheets of paper grouped by titles that could be used for a hypothetical scientific conference: "Schooling: drawings and visual languages", "The design of interiors", "Colours and surfaces", "Structures and light", "Exhibitions as autobiography" and "Books as autobiography". All demonstrate the will to emphasise the relations and the eternal refrains found in an X-rayed career under glass. At the end of the trip, which requires from the visitor almost religious concentration, all of a sudden we find ourselves closer to Sottsass..."

from: Elena Poli, Parma. The architecture hidden in Sottsass designs
The Sottsass retrospective by CSAC hosted in the Cistercian abbey of Valserena rounds off his centennial: a four-dimensional overview of the Austro-Italian's creative process in Domusweb, November 27th 2017.

Photo credit: Paolo Barbaro

