1968. A year - CSAC 1968. A year - CSAC


  • From: May 2018
  • To: September 2018
  • City: Abbazia di Valserena, Parma
  • Country: Italy
  • Type: museum
  • Area: 300 mq
  • Client: CSAC - Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione
  • With: Daniele Ledda xycomm Milano
  • Collaborators: Arch. Paola Frigerio, Arch. Mike Dolinski
Drawing on the Archives of the CSAC, the exhibition on "The Year 1968" brought ideas and utopian imaginings to view, recalling works and projects that bear on the body and the environment. Major changes in communication and in social and anthropological conditions exploded in the momentous events of that year. The clash of ideas, languages and interests brought about lasting transformations and propelled them across different cultures.
On the fiftieth anniversary of the exhibition dedicated to Concetto Pozzati that was organized by the Institute of the History of Art at the University of Parma and laid the groundwork for the future archive of the CSAC, the exhibition on 1968 takes a fresh look at its holdings and reproposes objects and documents for an examination of numerous synchronous events that gave rise to controversy at the time and that require to be critically reconsidered today.
The exhibition adopts a very long table in fibrocement as the mensa of its offerings. Extending the full length of the nave, this time-table carries an array of objects and images that document changes in the realms of image, space, and the territory. Visitors naturally respond to a dynamic layout that includes side chapels and tall hangings of transparent pvc with the graphic symbols and colors of Daniele Ledda.

From: CSAC, Parma

